The Following Pimple Home Remedies Are the Ones the Skincare Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know About
Not only do pimples hinder your self confidence and mar the beauty of your face, but at they can also make it hard to sleep since these blemishes can be pretty painful. However, you can now easily get rid of them at home by using these home remedies for pimples.
1. Apple cider vinegar for a smooth and clean face
Did you know that you can easily use apple cider vinegar to have a blemish free skin? ACV is one of the best home remedies for pimples since it kills off the bacteria causing the blemishes to appear in the first place and also balances your pH levels. To make the ACV solution, you need to mix 1 part distilled water and 1 part ACV in a bottle with a lid. Shake it vigorously and then use a clean cotton ball to rub it all over your face. If the powerful vinegar odor is too much for you, you can add some green tea to the mixture.
2. Frozen strong green tea ice cubes
This is a favorite for many acne sufferers and that’s because it’s a very simple pimple home remedy to consider and is also a powerful anti-inflammatory. For this home remedy to work, you first of all need to make a cup of strong green tea and then freeze it in an ice cube tray. After the tea has become frozen solid, take one cube and rub it on your affected areas until it melts completely. In no time, your face is going to be smoother and acne free.
3. Tomatoes
You may not know this yet, but tomatoes contain plenty of antioxidants and are also astringent. In fact, if you do a bit of research about them, you’ll find some people who claimed they were even able to get rid of acne scars by making a facial mask out of them. So how can you use tomatoes to get rid of pimples?
Well, first of all you need to buy one or more ripe tomatoes and wash them very well. Secondly, pick one and then cut it in half and rub some of its juice on the affected area two times a day. Given the astringent qualities of tomatoes and their high antioxidant content, some people may feel like rubbing it on their entire face, but this is not recommended since excessive use may lead to dryness of the skin. Therefore, only stick to using it on the acne affected areas.
4. Rosewater and lemon
Besides helping a lot with treating your acne, this solution smells quite amazing. All you have to do is mix rose water with some lime juice and then apply it on your pimples for half an hour. After that, wash your face with cold water. This is one of the simplest home remedies for pimples and it is also very effective, but you need to consider it for minimum 2 weeks and maximum 4 weeks to be effective.
5. Lemon with milk, fruits and vegetables
Most of us already used lime juice for seasoning cucumber salad, but did you know it can also be used to get rid of your acne? As surprisingly as it may sound, it’s true and all you have to do is grind or maybe grate cucumber finely and then add two to three tbsp of lime juice until you get the consistency of a paste. You can now use the paste by rubbing it on your neck and face which also helps prevent blackheads that generally lead to pimples.
Next, you can use fruits to have a smooth and blemish free skin. The way it goes is that you need to consider roasting the peels of a pomegranate and then make a powder by grinding them. Mix some lime juice with the roasted pomegranate peals until you get a paste with a good consistency and then apply it on your pimples. In no time, your skin is going to look utterly amazing!
Finally, it’s time to put some milk to good use to have a better looking skin. To make this home treatment for pimples, you need to mix some lime juice into a cup of milk and then use it to wash your face. It’s that simple and results can be seen in as little as 14 days!
As you can see, having beautiful skin is no longer something that requires expensive visits to your dermatologist or beauty salons. With these simple tips you can easily have a perfect skin at home in the same time and for a much lower cost than if you were to seek out professional help.
To see more useful home remedies click here.
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