
How To Use Cinnamon As a Medicine

A popular spice for food as well as cider and wine, cinnamon shares a cupboard with other seasonings. Unlike others though, this ancient bark extract is efficient in treating an array of ailments. To see how to use cinnamon as a medicine we must look at what it can combat.

How To Use Cinnamon As a Medicine

Cinnamon And The Ailments It Battles

Obtained from the insides of tree bark (not just any tree bark, but ones originating from South America and South East Asia), cinnamon’s rise to fame as an effective herbal remedy hasn’t happened over night. Its healing properties were cherished long before the development of standard medicine as we know it today.

cinnamon as a medicine

More precisely, the bark extract was used by ancient Egyptians since, roughly, 2000 BC. Cinnamon was imported into northern Africa and archaeological research shows that the Egyptians themselves were well aware of its beneficial traits. Much later, in the Dark Ages, the bark was used in treating arthritis, coughing fits and throat inflammation.

Needless to say, since then, many more studies have been performed in relation to cinnamon as a natural medicine, producing many results. Some of the most common conditions that cinnamon can treat are related to the digestive tract. Once ingested, its oils trigger an appetite increase, they can reduce flatulence and overall improve blood flow in organs, specifically the stomach. While the oil found in this particular bark helps increase blood flow in digestive organs, the positive effect also expands to the uterus.

In regards to more serious conditions, ingesting cinnamon can help patients with Type 2 diabetes and even cardiovascular issues. While the studies connecting this herbal remedy to diabetes haven’t been as extensive as to undoubtedly confirm cinnamon’s important role, the results were nevertheless encouraging, showing that consuming up to 6 grams per day decreases the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides inside the body.

Further studies place cinnamon opposite of other grave conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease and HIV. For the first, Israeli researchers used CEppt (an isolated cinnamon compound) on lab rats and fruit flies inflicted with Alzheimer in its more aggressive forms. Four months later, the subjects showed great signs of improvement. Furthermore, the same bark extract can alleviate multiple sclerosis, making it a much cheaper alternative to prescribed drugs.

How To Use Cinnamon As A Medicine

While cinnamon is indeed a great natural remedy for many ailments, it still also remains a spice, which means that simply ingesting large quantities of it is a no-no. Research has shown that consuming anywhere from 2 to 6 grams of cinnamon for day ensures that you’ll be enjoying the health benefits it brings.

cinnamon tea

Cinnamon Tea

We’ve been brewing teas with tree bark for the longest of times. One of the most popular examples of such a tea is the South African Rooibos red, made from the bark of native bushes. By simply boiling some water and adding cinnamon you save a lot of time and are able to ingest it a lot quicker than if you’d be using it in food. Do remember though that boiling water may diminish the effect of cinnamon’s contents.

Spice It Up

Another logical, predictable way in which you can benefit from cinnamon’s healing properties, is by using it the way it has always been used, as a spice. In order to increase consumption, try to find more recipes that allow for its strong flavoring and take those sticks out of the cupboard and onto your dish.

Replace Sugar With It

Whether we’re talking about sauces or certain vegetable dishes, cinnamon can easily take the place of white and brown sugar. It’s best used together with carrots and yams. Unlike sugar, cinnamon won’t be spiking up your blood sugar levels and insulin production, leaving you without the roundabout of highs and lows in energy during the day.

In whichever way you may see fit to use it, its healing properties are invaluable and will make a world of difference, both from a health perspective and a homeostasis one. By tipping the balance in favor of cinnamon and reducing sugar consumption you’ll be able to maintain adequate cholesterol levels and feel great while doing it. Even if you are not pestered by digestive problems (conditions that cinnamon can deter almost immediately), ingesting it can prevent a slew of other, much more serious conditions on the long run.