Home Remedies to Stop a Nose bleed Fast
Nosebleeds have a way of creeping up on people at the most inopportune moments; worst the scene looks right out a horror movie as the trickle quickly turns into a situation where you are soaking one tissue after another. Needless to say, they can be both scary and embarrassing. So, here are some home remedies to stop a nose bleed fast and information on what you should be doing before and after the episode of nasal bleeding.
The Million Dollar Question: Is My Nose bleed Serious?
Now, there can be several reasons for nasal bleeding and unless there is an injury or underlying health issue involved, there isn’t much to worry about. However, here are a few conditions that are concerning when coupled with a symptom such as a nosebleed.
- If the nasal bleeding is a frequent occurrence; typically more than 4 times a week
- The bleeding does not stop even after 10-20 minutes of pressure application
- The bleeding gets more severe and frequent
- You are on anti clotting medication such as warfarin or have a blood clotting disorder
- If head trauma due to assault or injury precedes the nose bleeding
- If you suffer from hypertension, leukemia, hemophilia, anemia, acute liver illnesses, rheumatic fever, Hodgkin’s disease or thrombocytopenia
- If you are a frequent aspirin user
Preventative measures to keep nosebleeds at bay
Although there are several home remedies to stop nasal bleed fast, like with all other health conditions, prevention is better than cure in this case too, particularly when the preventative measures are so easy to incorporate in your day to day life. Nasal bleeds are caused due to the rupturing of the blood vessels that feed the sinuses and the nasal tissue and bone.
It can occur from anterior or posterior arteries. The latter can be harder to treat and may even require surgical intervention. However, there are some steps that you can take to nip things in the bud and prevent the onset of nasal bleeding.
- Keep your nasal tissue hydrated by drinking about 2 liters of water each day.
- Air conditioners can offer reprieve from the sweltering heat but they also dry out the air, which can make you susceptible to nosebleeds. So, do not overdo it.
- In winter when the air is naturally arid, you may want to use a humidifier indoors.
- Use a Q tip to dab the mucous membrane with some petroleum jelly or spritz the insides of your nose with a saline nasal spray
- If you are prone to allergies, ensure that you take your medication on time because the release of histamines and the eventual use of antihistamines can wreak havoc on your nasal tissue
- Essential nutrients like Vitamin C, found in fruits and Vitamin K, found in green, leafy vegetables can help to prevent nosebleeds
- Bioflavanoids such as those found in grape seed extract and pine bark extract also help in strengthening the walls of the capillaries
What to do before taking steps to stop the nose bleed?
Don’t panic – Nose bleeds are seldom serious, but the sight of blood is enough to terrify most people. However, when you panic, your blood pressure will rise and this will just increase the volume of bleeding. So, relax and take a few deep and calming breaths
Blow your nose – Unless you have a clotting problem, the blood will clot inside the nasal cavity and may even prolong the bleeding as it stops the air from getting to the bleeding capillary. So, blow your nose gently to dislodge the clots.
Sitting is the best – Do not lie down or put your head in between your legs. In fact, it would be best to sit so that your head remains above the level of your heart. Also, it would not be sensible to throw your head back as this will make the blood flow back into the sinuses and the throat.
Home remedies to stop a nosebleed fast
The thumbs up pressure technique
Make a thumbs up with your hand; right thumb for the right nostril and vice versa. This solution works particularly well if the nose bleeding is experienced only out of one nostril. Press the extended thumb firmly against the side of the nostril till it is flattened and closed. Lean forward slightly so that the blood can flow out instead of towards your throat. You can place a tissue below your nose with the other hand. Breathe normally as you continue to hold for 5 to 10 minutes. Release the pressure gradually.
The universal pinch
This method is quite potent when you are bleeding out of both nostrils. You simply have to pinch your nose and hold the pressure on both sides of the nose for about ten minutes. You will be tempted to take the pressure off and see if the bleeding has stopped but this is counter indicative. Pinch the soft part of your nose a little above the tip and press it firmly towards your face.
Use a clothes pin
Another way is to simply use a clothespin which will exert continuous pressure on the blood vessel. However, you may have to use a small piece of tissue below the pin.
Stop the blood flow before it reaches the nose
Roll up a small piece of gauze or tissue and stick it in between your gums and your upper front teeth, right below your nose. The move helps to put pressure on the blood vessels that feeds the nasal area.
Use cold temperatures
An ice pack applied on the bleeding nostril and the cheeks is also very useful as it narrows the blood vessels, constricting the blood flow. You can also try keeping an ice pack on the back of the neck. This will help in restricting the blood flow to the posterior of the nose
Try vinegar
Take a cotton ball and dip it in white vinegar. Insert this is the bleeding nostril, but not too deep. It should be more a nasal plug. Vinegar helps to seal the capillaries and stop the bleeding.
Remember that if you are using pressure to stop the nasal bleeding, you will need to continue applying the pressure for at least 3 minutes for minor nose bleeds and up to 10 minutes for significant nasal bleeding.
What after the bleeding has stopped?
Once the nasal bleeding stops, you will need to take preventative measures to ensure that it does not restart. Here are some tips that will help:
- Do not lift anything heavy or exert yourself physically
- Don’t blow your nose or rub it
- If you feel the need to sneeze, open your mouth so that the air escapes out of the buccal and not the nasal cavity
- Do not bend
- Do not strain yourself during bowel movement
- Stay away from smoking
- Don’t consume hot liquid for at least 24 hours
- Do not eat spicy food for at least a day
- Consult with your doctor for lubricating ointment or nasal sprays
Check out other home remedies here.
Nosebleed resource at Wikipedia
Solutions for nasal bleeding
Nose bleed acricle on Howstuffworks.com
Nosebleed home treatments
What causes nosebleeds